
The Benefits and Drawbacks of Wearing a Fitbit or Other Activity Tracker

A step counter is a device, usually worn on the hip or wrist, that counts the number of steps taken by the wearer. The benefits of using a step counter are many and varied. Here’s some pros and cons.

7 Things You Should Look For In A Personal Trainer

Working out can be difficult, especially if you’re on your own. There are so many different types of workouts that finding a professional to guide you in the right direction can be extremely helpful. You don’t have to be an athlete or even in-shape to seek out a personal trainer. But, you should know what to look for. Here’s seven things to be aware of when choosing a personal trainer!

The Incredible Power Of Kegels - Why Every Woman Should Be Doing Them

Alright, let’s all pause for a second and put on our “I’m a mature person and I won’t giggle at the word “kegel” every time it’s used in this article” hats. Okay? Alright. So, what is a kegel?

5 Ways to Gain Body Confidence through Body Positivity

Body image is how you view your body — it’s the way you see yourself when you look in the mirror, how you feel in your clothes and how confident you are in your appearance. It’s about feeling comfortable and confident in your own skin and honoring your unique beauty. Your body image can be influenced by your family, friends, culture, and especially by the media and societal “norms.”

5 Types of Protein Powder and The Different Ways They Effect Your Body

When you hear “Protein Powder” what do you think of? Maybe body builders? Middle school athletes trying to look like high school athletes? Cut-off sleeveless shirts? All of these thoughts make sense, but protein powder can actually be beneficial for everyone!

The Benefits of Having a Personal Trainer

When it comes to physical wellness, having a personal trainer offers many benefits for everyone’s fitness needs and goals. It can be difficult figuring out where to start a fitness journey, and personal trainers help you assess your fitness levels and set realistic goals.

5 Reasons Why every child should participate in strength-building activities

It's no secret that exercise is essential for overall health, but did you know that strength building can be especially beneficial for children? When kids participate in activities that build muscle, they not only improve their physical health but also their mental and emotional well-being.